NORC (national outdoor recreation conference)

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Best Practices for Visitor Use Management on Rivers - Presentation 

05-31-2024 02:11 PM

Calling all river recreation wranglers: Join us to explore tips and tools for working smarter--not harder--to manage for and achieve the best possible visitor opportunities on federally-managed rivers. Visitor use management is fundamental for maximizing benefits for visitors while achieving and maintaining desired resource conditions, regardless of the setting. Come learn about the Crosswalk Tool, which is complementary guidance helpful to field staff supporting river recreation. The Crosswalk Tool lists in one place and links resources for Visitor Use Management (VUM) and Comprehensive River Management Planning (CRMP) (developed by members of the Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council (IWSRCC) and the Interagency Visitor Use Management Council (IVUMC)).

We'll give an overview of how field practitioners can use the Crosswalk Tool whether they want to generally hone their recreation planning expertise or apply tools for better management outcomes for river recreation settings or designated wild and scenic rivers (WSR). Come see how to easily identify where to apply focus to ensure necessary fundamental management elements are all in place to maintain desired conditions and/or WSR values.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about the Visitor Use Management (VUM) and Comprehensive River Management Planning (CRMP) Resources Crosswalk
  • Glean best practices for the frameworks that can be integrated for river planning
  • Become more aware of the array of planning tools available for VUM particularly for river settings

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IWSRCC and IVUMC_2024_NORC.pdf   4.55 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-31-2024

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