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We are excited to be heading to Duluth, Minnesota in 2026. NORC will be hosted May 11-14, 2026!
We invite you to join the NORC Community to access resources and recording from the 2024 NORC earlier this month. We are uploading resources and presentations as speakers share them with us.
We have exceeded our capacity for the event center and while we cannot invite any additional attendees to join us in-person in South Lake Tahoe/Stateline, Nevada in May, we are live streaming the plenary sessions!
If you wish to join us for those sessions for FREE, register today! Registration is required in order to join. These virtual sessions will also be recorded.
The Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals
PO Box 3004 | Evergreen, CO 80437-3004
P: (719) 394-3743
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