Looking for outdoor recreation training and professional development opportunities?
Check out these resources for upcoming virtual, hybrid, and in-person trainings as well as other resources.
Finding Resources: We recommend using the search box (above) to type in what you are looking for and you'll be directed to robust search results for our entire website. From there you'll be able to filter by areas on the website, date created, and more. Please note: While our Training Resources are accessible to all, some resources from other libraries may not be visible depending on your membership status. Be sure to log in to access member-only resources.
Below you can sort by file type, date created, title, most downloaded, and most viewed. The library defaults into 'card' view, but you can switch to a list on the top right corner of the library. If you have any questions or are looking to add a resource, please contact Rebecca at rebecca.maguire@recpro.org.