Outdoor Recreation Policy Solutions for Climate Resilience

When:  Aug 28, 2024 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (MT)

Increasing access to outdoor recreation and making forward-looking investments in recreation infrastructure are solutions that public land agencies must consider as they strengthen the integration of climate change mitigation into decision-making, operations, policies, and program delivery.  While the impacts of wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and droughts are complex and far-reaching, the need to consider and integrate multi-faceted solutions - including outdoor recreation - cannot be overstated. This webinar features a panel of outdoor recreation policy and industry experts who are working to ensure that outdoor recreation infrastructure supports proactive solutions as well as disaster response and recovery and that access to outdoor recreation remains a priority for public lands agencies in the face of a changing climate. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the problem with not considering recreation in climate resilience solutions.

  • Share examples of existing climate and land management policies and programs that exclude outdoor recreation. 

  • Identify existing projects where climate and outdoor recreation are integrated.

  • Identify recommended policy changes that will help ensure outdoor recreation and climate resilience solutions are integrated.


  • Grant Colvin, National Ski Areas Association

  • Whitney Potter Schwartz, Outdoor Recreation Roundtable

  • Duane Taylor, Recreational OHV Association

Event Image


Rachel Franchina



Online Instructions:
Url: http://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArcuugrzMoHdUgIeeiAUJxQI6MeLh3aOp_
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